About Me – Updated NEW

High School and College (Yr1&2) Tutor

I have taught high school mathematics for 37 years in both public and private schools.

I have a Bachelor of Science in mathematics and secondary education from Chadron State College in Chadron, Nebraska. In 2003 I earned a Masters in Education degree from Western Washington University in Bellingham, Washington. I am happily married and have five children.


My mission is simple: to make math accessible, enjoyable, and profoundly understandable for every student. Whether you’re grappling with algebra, delving into geometry, exploring pre-calculus, or navigating the complexities of calculus, I am confident that I can tailor tutoring sessions to meet most students’ individual needs. I am convinced that any student with a willingness to learn, an openness to guidance, and a commitment to putting in the effort can achieve excellence in mathematics. I aim to help unlock this inherent potential.

My approach is rooted in a deep understanding of the challenges and joys of learning math. Through one-to-one tutoring sessions, interactive learning tools, and a nurturing learning environment, I aim to build confidence, enhance understanding, and foster a lasting appreciation for mathematics. 

I am convinced that any student with a willingness to learn, an openness to guidance, and a commitment to putting in the effort can achieve excellence in mathematics. My aim is to help unlock this inherent potential

My Services

What I Do?

Private Tutoring

Personalized, one-on-one instruction tailored to the individual's learning style and pace, focusing on their specific mathematical needs and goals.

Groups Sessions

My live small-group sessions provide an interactive learning environment where students can actively engage and ask questions in real-time, enhancing their understanding of mathematical concepts.

Online Courses

Coming soon! This math courses will offer strategic tips and techniques, empowering students with the tools and insights needed for success in their mathematical studies.


Our math curriculum consultation provides tailored guidance and expert advice for parents and educational institutions to enhance and optimize their math education strategies.

Homework Help

Coming soon! Guided practice prolems tutorials will offer strategic tips and techniques, empowering students with the tools and insights needed for success in their mathematical studies.

Remote Learning

Learning math remotely offers the flexibility to study at your own pace and in a comfortable environment, reducing stress and allowing for a more personalized and focused educational experience.

Private Tutor Sessions

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